My Own Private Ulysses: Bloomsday Hero

Turning pages he could not comprehend,
when he read one book, Joyce’s tour de force.
And that one book never came to an end,
So he snuck into a Joyce honors course.
Then he heard word of a Bloomsday event,
In his hometown, Pittsburgh, he had to go.
From Fort Pitt to Murphy’s Tap Room he went.
Joyce in his mind, he’s a Bloomsday Hero.
And he read and reread, he went all-in.
That book, he had to find what lied behind.
Decades flew, then he did too, to Dublin.
A Bloomsday Hero, got Joyce in his mind.
A foreigner wandering to-and-fro,
Joyce in his mind, he’s a Bloomsday Hero.
Stay tuned for more 80s sonnets.
Same sentimental time, same nostalgic channel.