My Own Private Ulysses: Dauntless Dilly Dedalus
She’s on a mission in her shabby dress.
Back home, her sisters drink soup without her.
Who’s she, this dauntless Dilly Dedalus?
She’s a true Dublin Streets Irregular.
Surly Simon demands she stand up straight,
And calls his daughters insolent bitches.
Dilly’s hungry, but she won’t bite the bait,
From his pockets, herself she enriches.
With shoulders high and her new French primer,
She asks sad Stephen if it’s any good.
Her self-centered sibling’s answer to her:
He asks about his own books. Yeah, he would.
He’s as bad a bro as Simon’s a dad.
She’s far better than them, Dilly’s pretty rad.
Stay tuned for more pronoun-stuffed sonnets.
Same Sherlockian time, same Conan channel.