My Own Private Ulysses: Doctor Reality’s Prudent Advice

Doctor Reality’s prudent advice:
Your goal is to be banned from everywhere!
But I write light verse, I try to be nice.
Not dark like Ginsberg’s Howl. I wouldn’t dare.
You fool! Art is war. It’s time to attack.
But I want to be liked and included.
By this modern-day Virginia Woolf pack?
You’re a damn Joyce-head. Don’t be deluded!
But I wish to be published. I’m past due.
Ha! They bark in public, but in their heart,
They whimper and whine with envy of you.
Like Ginny did Joyce, they’ll tear you apart.
But I wonder, where’s my Sylvia Beach?
Dude! You’re already screwed, just make them screech.
Stay tuned for more simpering sonnets.
Same self-pitying time, same self-esteemless channel.