My Own Private Ulysses: Joycespearan Sonnet 130
Joycespearan Sonnet 130
My Molly’s eyes are Spanishy like night;
Gumjelly’s less soft than her lips are sticky;
Full breasts are white with fat nipples upright;
Heavenly hair whispers: I’m no quickie.
I adore her adulterous rump!
But seven miles up, I’ve not plunged my tongue.
Those plump mellow yellow melons will trump
Anything bursting from big Bella’s bung.
I bring toast and tea for breakfast in bed.
Eleven years since our love’s been complete.
My Molly sleeps with her toes at my head,
While Blazes Boylan gives her plum potted meat.
And yet, she’ll always be my mountain flower
Who I think of all day, every hour.
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