- Robert Roman
My Own Private Ulysses: More Logic of the Litany
Bloom’s Sweets of Sin contain the erection
Of Wandering Rock’s great bridges and bridge
Both halves of His episode collection.
Then Music without Words, Sirens abridge.
Cyclops, His myope foe, Bloom filled with woe.
Reprover of the Citizen, indeed!
But Our Friend of the Frillies failed to sew
In Nausicaa, and only spilled His seed.
Bloom’s seminal role in Oxen of the Sun is not vague,
Midwife Most Merciful serves seeds that sprout.
Potato Preservative against Plague
and Pestilence prevents Circe’s pig snout.
O this prayer by the Daughters of Erin,
Blesses the fruit of Bloom’s womb unbarren.
Stay tuned for more spermatozoon sonnets.
Same fruitful time, same fertile channel.