My Own Private Ulysses: Stealin’ & Rhymin’

"LENEHAN: Plagiarist! Down with Bloom!"
- Ulysses, James Joyce
Dishonor student why do you insist,
On cribbing Ulysses to look astute?
You’re not Grade A, you’re not even D-List.
So sit down and shut up and please stay mute.
Unacademic All-American,
Why do you steal from Joyce’s masterpiece?
Between you, there’s zero comparison.
So, do your worst, your worth will not increase.
You’re less than nada, the cream of the crap
Inside your skull, you’re no brain and all stem.
You’re zilch cum laude, so don the dunce cap.
Accept life’s lot, you’re the phlegm de la crème.
Whoa, if my jack of Joyce makes the crowd jeer,
Wait till they realize this rips off Shakespeare.
Stay tuned for more stolen sonnets.
Same scheming time, same cheating channel.