My Own Private Ulysses: Still Not a Poet

Still Not a Poet
No, I can’t quote James Joyce chapter and verse,
I have no solve for his Gordian Knot.
And when I converse, I rarely coerce.
I’m not a scholar, I just rhyme a lot.
So, you’re a cultivator of the vine? `
Or, like Dude’s line, a human paraquat?
Fine, you opine on thine wine, I decline.
I’m not a critic, I just rhyme a lot.
From itself, poetry staged secession.
As simile stands, there’s like a boycott.
Invention sold out for self-expression.
I’m not a poet, I just rhyme a lot.
But on Joyce I’m big fun, a good layer,
I just crushed a lil’ pun for you, player.