- Robert Roman
My Own Private Ulysses: The Book About Everything
The Book About Everything
How to read the book about everything.
You think you’re smart? Where do you start? Which part?
The plot, setting, or Bloom’s limp ding-a-ling?
Gulp it down whole or graze it a la carte?
Slip on your smarty pants, take the sly road,
Hone those three themes: Homer, Hamlet, and Home,
Or home in on isms’ desert abode,
And through infinite sand you’ll crawl and comb.
From rocky hard real- to surreal- shimmer
And every ism across the wasteland.
Or skim past those dunes; no need to simmer,
Just chill with line three, before it gets banned.
Try to pass the true intelligence test,
And laugh, laugh with the book of infinite jest.
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