My Own Private Ulysses: The Giving Headmistress

The following was inspired by a Top Contributor’s gracious advice regarding my sonnet, “Bloomsday Forecast - Cloudy with a Chance of Gorgonzola.”
“Switch out ‘Gorgonzola’ for ‘history!’”
My headmistress gives this comic command.
I like big rebuts, hers is blistery.
If I disobey, she’ll leave my ass tanned.
“I love your irreverence and humour.”
Is her heart soft, my hard dominatrix?
Oh, I wish! But I know she’s a groomer,
Whose whip hand demands my tropes to turn tricks.
But I’m down to play Bloom to her Bella.
I’m who sketched light verse in this shithouse stall,
Seeking glory with some Cinderella,
Deep inside the ink-black hole in the wall.
Thank God this bond only lies on my phone.
True-life Devil Girl would crumble my bone.
Stay tuned for more big rebuts.
Same thick time, same juicy channel.