My Own Private Ulysses: The Hemingway Half-Dozen Prose Poem Primer #1

“He’s a good writer, Hemingway. He writes as he is. We like him. He’s a big powerful peasant, as strong as a buffalo…But giants of his sort are truly modest; there is much more behind Hemingway’s form than people know.”
– James Joyce
Whelp, one more of my Hemingway Half-Dozen Prose Poems has been banned from another Facebook Poetry Group. How many is that? I’ve lost count. I consulted my lawyer for his usual ground-and-pound advice. Then Doctor Reality recommended I offer an explanation. I damn near spit my mescal all over his legal briefs. OK, Doc, I hereby submit my defense.
What in the Holy Hell is a Hemingway Half-Dozen Prose Poem?
Reinvention Time:
Hemingway’s Paradigm,
Plus Rhyme.
Rhyming Response to Hemingway’s Own Original Story via Hemingway Half-Dozen Prose Poem
Hemingway’s Story:
Poignant Territory,
Memento Mori.
Hagiographic Homage via Hemingway Half-Dozen Prose Poem
Modernist Voices:
Hemingway’s. Joyce’s.
Sublime Choices.
Superfluous Suggestions for the Hemingway Half-Dozen Prose Poem Picador
Don’t Stall.
Start Small,
Simply Scrawl.
Subscribe and stay tuned for an easy-peasy explanation of the Ezraku.
Same altruistic time, same charitable channel.