My Own Private Ulysses: WTF is an Initialism?
“He can kiss my royal Irish arse, Myles Crawford cried loudly over his shoulder. Any time he likes, tell him.”
- Ulysses, James Joyce
WTF is an Initialism?
‘Useless word created to distinguish
initials from acronyms,’ UD states.
Such simple answers we must extinguish.
So, FU Urban Dict., crude reprobates.
Both MILF and GILF are proper acronyms.
DTF’s a prim initialism.
This ain’t hard. At best, they’re soft synonyms.
So, between them, let’s thicken the schism.
He FUBARed his class, when old Nabokov
Told, “You may peruse with a skimming eye…”
Joyce’s Ulysses’ new newsy jerkoff.
You fell flaccid AF, Vlad, FYI.
When wooing words, don’t ease up and streamline.
Stiffen your pine, go hard past the headline.
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