My Own Private Ulysses: Doctor Reality’s Sentence

Doctor Reality’s Sentence
James Joyce wrote the only book worth a damn,
Doc Reality states like the D.A.
At worst, all the rest are scams, at best, spam,
Frowning then downing his brown I.P.A.
Since then, I’ve served that maximum sentence
Within this inescapable prison,
Below repugnance, beyond repentance,
Locked down hard, unfree to be arisen.
But Joyce is the architect of this jail,
And a world of lives lives on the inside.
I don’t want out. Don’t come up with my bail.
In solitary is where I reside.
When sentenced by Doctor Reality,
Under Joyce’s lock and key, you will be free.
Subscribe and stay tuned for more sentencing sonnets.
Same locked-up time, same liberated channel.